Code of ethics

We all want to have a good time dancing!

When attending this event, I agree to respect this code of ethics. I am aware that if I don’t, I may be warned or even asked to leave the dance.

For questions or concerns during the event, I will seek out a Safe Space Sentinel, identified by a badge.

For questions regarding “safe space” before, during or after the event, I can write to

Respect & Diversity

  • I will respect myself: I am a valuable member of the fusion dance community, no matter my level of experience, age, sex, gender expression, sexual preferences, body size, ethnicity, or religious beliefs.
  • I will respect others: I recognize that people have different values and viewpoints than I do, and that they are still valuable members of the community.

Personal Boundaries

  • I will strictly respect the physical and personal boundaries of my fellow attendees on and off the dance floor.
  • I can let my partner know that I wish to dance as close together or as far apart as I want, for any reason I want.

Invitations to Dance

  • I will ask someone to dance with respect, and choose to accept or reject requests with respect. I am free to accept and decline dances for whatever reasons I wish.
  • If someone says no, I will accept their answer knowing that I am still a valuable member of the community, and move on to have just as much fun dancing with someone else.
  • As an experienced dancer, I will take at times the initiative to invite a person who recently joined the group, to make them feel welcome. As a new dancer, I am aware that I can feel free to invite anyone to dance and that I am as valuable as they are in this community.

Safety on the Dance Floor

  • I can inform my dance partner if something they do makes me uncomfortable or physically hurts me.
  • Additionally, I will respect my dance partner’s request that I stop doing something that makes them uncomfortable or physically hurts them.
  • I will do my best not to step on, bump, or trip other dancers; I will be gracious if I accidently do, and still gracious if someone does it to me.
  • I will care for my own safety. I am responsible for determining what I can and cannot accomplish on the dance floor.

Sexual Contact

  • I understand that dancing with someone isn’t an invitation for sexual contact; it is about sharing the love of dance.
  • I know that as a responsible adult, if I am uncomfortable with my partner’s actions I am free to be clear with my verbal communication and ask them to change their behaviour.
  • I will speak with a safe space sentinel if for some reason I am unable to communicate with my partner, the behaviour is severe, or it is repeated. If I personally observe inappropriate actions inside the venues or classrooms, I will bring it to the attention of a staff member wearing a white armband.


  • While I am free to give negative feedback, I will do so either when asked, through the Montreal Infusion surveys, or in a manner that is private, open minded, and respectful of the person receiving it.
  • I understand that the social dance floor is for fun, and I should not offer unsolicited dance advice to my partners.
  • I am free to ask for advice from my colleagues any time I want during class. I also understand that everyone learns in their own way, and that I will always ask my partner before I offer my own advice.

Questions or Concerns:

Montreal Blue Infusion’s code of ethics was almost entirely inspired by Motley Hue’s code of conduct. We’d like to thank them for creating this very important and useful document and for their tremendous work for the fusion community.

Protocol of Intervention

The SSS have attended discussions and trainings to prepare them for their role.

They will be using a protocol of intervention to respond to any complaints we receive. If you wish to read this protocol, simply write us: We will treat these issues with the strictest confidentiality. We hope to create a group and culture in which everyone will feel safe enough to come forward, so we can keep incidents from being repeated.

SSS are available for discussion and reassurance, not just formal reports. Don’t wonder if something is “serious enough” to come talk to us – if you are uncomfortable, let us know. We’re here for you!

This protocol was taken from Anne Dagenais’ protocol (and slightly edited), who was herself inspired by RDU Blues’ protocol. We wish to thank them for their tremendous work on this important document and for the dance community.